Alfried LÄNGLE, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. h.c.mult., professor and honorary professor, was born in 1951 in Austria where he still lives. He studied medicine and psychology at the Universities of Innsbruck, Rome, Toulouse and Vienna. After years of hospital work in general medicine and psychiatry and in an outpatient department of social psychiatry he started a private practice in psychotherapy, general medicine and clinical psychology in Vienna (since 1982).
At the same time, he came into close collaboration with Viktor Frankl (1983-1991). He assisted Frankls lectures at the university for years and worked together with him in many relevant fields of Logotherapy. He is the founder and president (1983-2017) of the International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (Vienna www.existenzanalyse.org ), whose honorary president was Viktor Frankl until 1990. By this date, Frankl resigned from his honorary presidency because of Längle’s new developments in the field of existential analysis (methods, implication of existential self-experience in the training seminars, rejecting the exclusive use of the meaning paradigm in psychotherapy and enlarging its theoretical basis, implementation of biographical work).
He is a constant lecturer at the Universities of Vienna (1984 - 2006), Innsbruck (1994 - 2000) and since 2000 lecturer at universities of Moscow, Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Santiago de Chile. Faculty member and professor of applied psychology (psychotherapy) at the Moscow’s HSE-university (since 2004). Since 2005 professor at the psychological faculty of the Higher School of Economy (HSE), Moscow, since 2006 extraordinary professor at the psychological faculty of the Univ. of Klagenfurt, Austria, and since 2011 guest professor at the Sigmund Freud Univ. Vienna. Founder of the training school of Existential-Analytical Psychotherapy, which got its stately approval in Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic and Rumania.
In 2000 he got an honorary doctor’s degree in recognition of his developments in the field of existential analysis from the medical faculty of the university of Temesvar and in 2004 from the psychological department of the Universidad de las Americas in Santiago de Chile. In 2006 he received the Science Premium of Vorarlberg (Austria) for a scientific life’s work. He got 6 honorary professorships: for psychology in Salta, Argentina (2006), from the Lomonossow-University in Moscow (2008), from the Universidad Aconcagua in Mendoza, Argentina (2010); and a honorary professorship for medicine from the state univ. of Kursk, Russia (2012), from the Pedagogical-Psychological Univ. in Moscow (MGPU) also in 2012, and from the Moscow MOSPI-Univ. (2015).
In 2011 he received the Golden Medal for Merits for the Republic of Austria.

Recognized as a training institution for psychotherapy (counselling) by the State Authorities of Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Romania
In England and Canada:
Location: London, GB
Trainers: A. Längle, M.D., Ph.D. and Canadian staff: Derrick Klaassen Ph.D., Käri-Ann Thor, Beth Daily
Start: Sept. 18, 2019 (till 22), Nov. 20 to 24; 2020: dates will be arranged with students.
Videos with additional information about EA:
Location: East Vancouver
B.C. at Commercial
Location: Frazier valley, Langley B.C.
Derrick Klaassen at dklaassen@existentialanalysis.ca
Janelle Kwee at janelle.kwee@twu.ca
Mihaela Launeanu at mihaela.s.launeanu@gmail.com or
Additional information about the EA training in Canada can be found at:
There are constantly short introductions days which can be booked to get a picture of EXISTENTIAL ANALYSIS. They will be recognized as a part of the full training in case you decide to go on.
These seminars are ideal for individuals looking for:
Professional Development geared towards Existential Psychotherapy and/or
A Gateway to the Official Training Program for becoming an Existential Counsellor/Analyst
(with the EA Society of Canada affiliate of GLE International, Vienna)
Mail: Kari-Ann (kalthors@mac.com) (for Canada); or alfried.laengle@existenzanalyse.org
See for more information in this hp under “english training” – “program Survey”
retrospective evaluation
The evaluation of efficacy and effectiveness of psychotherapy is an essential aim of psychotherapy research. This study examined the effectiveness of Existential Analysis/Logotherapy (EA/LT) on mental, physical and interpersonal impairments and on perceived changes in cognitions, emotions, behavior and interpersonal relationships.