1 April. Overcoming anxiety
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1 April. Overcoming anxiety



Facebook life

Anxiety is so pervasive and so many suffer greatly with it. It causes life to be narrow and full of insecurity. Thus, anxiety can block actions and paralyze the person. How can we understand anxiety better and help reduce the effects of it?

In the upcoming Facebook Live, Beth and Käri-Ann will first explain a brief description of Existential Analysis (EA) to help then see how anxiety fits into this model. Following will be three categories, a general definition, and two forms of anxiety before moving into the EA conceptualization of anxiety. This will include: looking at three foundational principles for being able to withstand the throes of anxiety; coping reactions; and the concept of "fear" as a basis for anxiety. The final theme will be an EA therapeutic method for working with fear/anxiety followed by a question and answer period.


Existential Analysis and

Logotherapy in the UK


Dr Längle is the founder of Existential Analysis. He organises and is responsible for the psychotherapeutic training programme in EA. In the UK, he is assisted by Julia Morozova and Aleksandra Kupavskaya. Both are trained psychotherapists and support Dr Längle in the running of Existential Analysis in the UK.

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+44 7595896974

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