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23 February 2019. Open Day with Dr ALFRIED LAENGLE

The benefits of a journey in Existential Analysis for a psychotherapist

Dr Laengle explains the impact a psychotherapist, who has personal growth and development in oneself, has on the client. If we are blurred by own problems, we cannot hope to do good work with the client. A client will intuitively trust a psychotherapist who has self-experience and self-awareness.

How to be myself within the world

THE FIRST EXISTENTIAL MOTIVATION: (the fundamental condition of existence).

Dr Laengle looks at what ‘being myself’ entails. The ability of being in this world. How much I can show myself to the world, how much others’ opinions matter to me and how much I care about this. All these are vital when looking at the growth of personality, the vital importance of having access to our inner selves and the feeling that we are strangers to ourselves if we do not have this access.

The importance of liking to live

Dr Laengle tackles the basic question: Do I like to live?

The second existential motivation:(the fundamental condition of life)the ability of relating to life.

We were not given a choice about being born, but now we are here, how do we feel about it? Dr Laengle looks at the impact if we respond negatively to these questions. Depression, feeling overwhelmed and feeling doubt lead to coping reactions. Dr Laengle also looks at the importance of turning to life, even in loss.

The ability of finding meaning

It is natural to look at the meaning of our lives. Dr Laengle looks at meaning in Existential Analysis. How do these existential questions apply to our lives?



Existential Analysis and

Logotherapy in the UK


Dr Längle is the founder of Existential Analysis. He organises and is responsible for the psychotherapeutic training programme in EA. In the UK, he is assisted by Julia Morozova and Aleksandra Kupavskaya. Both are trained psychotherapists and support Dr Längle in the running of Existential Analysis in the UK.

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