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18 September 2019. Open day with Dr Alfried Laengle

Dr Laengle and Victor Frankl

Dr Laengle talks us through logotherapy and its creation by Dr Laengle, as well as how meaning is an integral part of how logotherapy works. He talks about how Frankl felt something was lacking in psychotherapy if it was not concentrating on understanding. He goes on to discuss how Frankl’s thoughts needed a broader basis from philosophy to include emotionality and people’s own personal experience, which is where existential analysis came in.

Demonstration session. Warking with perfectionism

This life therapy demonstration took place at the September Open Day for Existential Analysis. Here, Dr Laengle talks to Roxanna, a psychologist, who asks Dr Laengle about how she can find the right balance in both her professional and personal life. Dr Laengle questions the importance of everything she does in her life and whether she has inner consent with the things she is doing.



Existential Analysis and

Logotherapy in the UK


Dr Längle is the founder of Existential Analysis. He organises and is responsible for the psychotherapeutic training programme in EA. In the UK, he is assisted by Julia Morozova and Aleksandra Kupavskaya. Both are trained psychotherapists and support Dr Längle in the running of Existential Analysis in the UK.

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