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Existential Analysis - BEING ONESELF

London, England - Facebook Live

organized by Julia Morozova

Compiled by Beth Daley and Käri-Ann Thor

from EA Canada, Cohort 1 notes and Alfried Längle seminar (Vancouver, 2014)


Being Oneself and understanding the histrionic personality is about the ability to exist as an autonomous and unique person and the blocks that can inhibit this.


The Viennese type of Existential Analysis can be described as a phenomenological and person-oriented psychotherapy (in many ways it comes close to the theory of Carl Rogers). The word ‘existence’ lies at the core of Existential Analysis. Existence, from our perspective, denotes what can simply be called a ‘whole’ life.

The Existential Fundamental Motivations

Alfried Längle 

Since motivation is a “movement of the will” of a person, it is basic to consider the structure of the will. Will as an expression of human freedom is seen in the existential analysis as the core of being a person. Personhood itself is considered as dialogical in its essence—what brings up a dialogical concept of freedom or will and motivation. The lines of such dialogues can be found in the motivation and build a fundamental structure of any motivation: the connection with the world, with one’s life, with one’s being a person, with meaning. These dimensions of existence hence provide a conceptual basis for motivation.

A practical application of Personal Existential Analysis

This conversation discusses the methods used to activate the authentic personal will (freedom) and responsibility. It includes a definition of the three steps implemented in this method and a practical application.

Existential-Analytical Methods for the Treatment of Anxiety

The three parts of Existential Analysis are looked at through three papers by psychologists from the Existential Analysis of Canada & Trinity Western University, Canada.

From Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy to Existential Analytic psychotherapy

This paper approaches the central or key concepts of Logotherapy. It talks of the history of Logotherapy, its impact and its gradual turn towards Existential Analysis.

The existential fundamental motivations structuring the motivational process

The motivational process is tackled in this paper, from Frankl’s ‘Will to Meaning’ to the modern day quest for meaning. It also talks in detail of the four fundamental conditions for a fulfilled existence.

The Method of Capturing Meaning

There are four steps which lead to the capturing of meaning. Dr Alfried Laengle’s methods are laid out in this short paper. The actions, functions and implications are laid out here.

The search for meaning and affirmation of life

The overview and aim of Viennese Existential Analysis is explored in this paper. This is looked at through the theory of motivation, in practice and finally by outlining its impact within a case study. It concludes how Frankl’s Logotherapy has been expanded by GLE-International.

What are we looking for, when we search for meaning?

This paper attempts to understand and answer questions on the philosophical and pyschological understanding of meaning. The search for meaning is explored and the question of meaning itself broken down into separate points.

The Search for Meaning and the Spiritual Side of Psychological Health

In this document, Britt-Marie Sykes refers to human existence and how it is viewed from an existential analytical perspective. She looks at it from a five-point perspective before going on to view these points in greater detail within a phenomenological approach.

The Process of Diagnosis in Existential Analysis

The vital steps of diagnosis are broken down into steps and diagrams. The importance of the six distinguishable stages of diagnosis are detailed before an overview of the process.

Viktor Frankl— advocate for humanity

In this paper to mark the 100th birthday of Victor Frankl, the Journal of Humanistic Psychology provides an insight into the background and motivations of the man, the suffering and injustice he faced as well as his activities as a scientist and an advocate.

Emotionality: An Existential- -Analytical Understanding and Practice

This extensive paper analyses the link between Existential Analysis and emotionality. There is an existential relevance of emotionality; its theory is broken down before a view of the therapeutic aspects of working with emotionality are examined within three themes.

The Renewal of Humanism in European Psychotherapy: Developments and Applications

Humanism has undergone a renewal in modern society. This paper looks at how it has affected other schools of psychotherapy, the problems it has encountered in assimilation and the relevance it has in today’s philosophical and phenomenological practice.

Phenomenology in Psychotherapeutic Praxis

Inner consent and the dialogical exchange as the basis of personhood are both ways in which we can view our lives as being ‘for something’. Through understanding, meaning, responsiveness etc. we can start to look at inner and outer dialogue, which will eventually allow for genuine encounter.

The Existence Scale

The Existence Scale is a new approach to assessing the ability to find meaning in life. Its basis is Frankl’s anthropological theory and is broken down into a four-level process model. This paper will look at the results of the test.


You are singed up!







Existential Analysis and

Logotherapy in the UK


Dr Längle is the founder of Existential Analysis. He organises and is responsible for the psychotherapeutic training programme in EA. In the UK, he is assisted by Julia Morozova and Aleksandra Kupavskaya. Both are trained psychotherapists and support Dr Längle in the running of Existential Analysis in the UK.

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