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The curriculum of the programme is created by Alfried Laengle and delivered by the international team trainers GLE-International

AUTHOR of the programme

Psychotherapist, Existential Analyst, Clinical Psychologist, MD, Ph.D.  Close apprentice and scientific collaborator with Viktor Frankl.

Scientific advancements in Psychotherapy and Existential Analysis.

Past President of the International Society of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (GLE-I).

Founder and scientific supervisor of a number of educational centres of existential analysis in Berlin, Hanover, Hamburg, Westfalen,  Bern, Zurich, Vienna, Graz, Linz, Innsbruck, Bregenz, Prague, Brno, Warsaw, Riga, Kiev, Lviv, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vancouver BC, Alberta, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Mexico City, London.

Author of several books and numerous scientific articles dedicated to the theory and practice of Existential Analysis.

The curriculum of the programme was created by Dr Alfried Längle and is delivered by an international team of trainers

from GLE-International:


PhD in Social Psychology

Chartered Psychologist

UKCP Accredited & BACP Registered Psychotherapist

Certified Life Coach


With 25 years of experience in psychology, Dr Aleksandra Kupavskaya has explored the field from various perspectives. With a foundation in Social Psychology, she explored cross-cultural issues through both practice and research, deepening her understanding of how social behaviour varies across different cultural contexts. Her journey also led her to the corporate world, where she worked as a Practical and Business Psychologist in Training & Development, Human Resources, and recruitment. In this role, she helped individuals discover their true potential and fostered effective communication within organisations.


For the past 10 years, Aleksandra has guided clients in her London-based private practice toward living fulfilled and authentic lives. She strongly believes in supportive and meaningful dialogue that helps her clients understand themselves and others.


In addition to her clinical work, Aleksandra has taught at multiple national and international universities, as well as in corporate settings. She particularly enjoys imparting Existential Analysis and Logotherapy knowledge to her students worldwide.


Aleksandra is also a founding member of the Viennese School of Existential Analysis, UK.



​Julia has been drawn to the role that interpersonal relationships and emotional experiences play in the development of an individual since her early professional interactions. However, working as a sociologist, a field in which she holds a Master´s degree, made her realise the limits of her ability to understand the nuanced and intricate causes and manifestations of psychological suffering. By interacting with professionals in and institutions of the public health service, she grew to better understand these psychological dynamics. Encouraged by these insights, she decided to broaden and deepen her professional life with psychotherapeutic training in Existential Analysis. She has worked in her private practice since 2019. She has further education and training in existential-analytical trauma therapy, sexuality, intercultural psychotherapy and geriatric psychotherapy. From 2015 to 2021, she served as an external lecturer at national and international universities, delivering lectures, seminars, and moderating activities, alongside contributing to academic publications.



​Derrick W. Klaassen, Ph.D., R.Psych., is a Registered Psychologist in private practice, and an Assistant Professor of Counselling Psychology at Trinity Western University in Langley, BC, Canada. His academic and scholarly activities include teaching graduate courses in professional ethics, psychopathology, research design and grief counselling, as well as providing clinical and research supervision. Dr. Klaassen’s clinical and research interests focus on existential and spiritual issues in psychotherapy. He has completed clinical training in Existential Analysis (between 2006 and 2011), and currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Existential Analysis Society of Canada.



Ph.D., a licensed Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist with a private practice in the United States.

He has taught and presented on existential psychology at various universities and conferences in North America, Latin America, and Europe.

Daniel began studying Existential Analysis under Alfried Längle in 2006 and has over 15 years experience working as an existential psychotherapist.

In addition to being on the training faculty of the GLE-UK, he is currently the training director at the Center for Existential Analysis & Logotherapy based in the United States.

Dr. Parker is also one of the founding members of the Existential Analysis Society in Canada.



M.Ed. Counselling Psychology (UBC)

Registered Clinical Counsellor (BCACC)

MPCC, Approved Supervisor (CPCA)

Registered Counselling Supervisor (ACCT)

Certified Existential Analyst and Trainer (Existential Analysis Society-CANADA,                                                     

CEAL-USA, GLE-UK, University of Salzburg-AUSTRIA) 

Käri-Ann’s first career was in outdoor education, followed by over 20 years working with children, youth, and families.  Now, after 15 years of training counselors at a private college, she is very passionate about experiential learning and values phenomenological congruent practices in her teaching, client sessions, and supervision.  Her approach is varied but is deeply rooted in existential analysis, savoring the advocacy of human beings and honoring their experiences.  Presently, she is working with eight EA cohorts.  

Kari-Ann is active with the EA Society of Canada as a board member and chair of the Trainers Team.  Time in the mountains, on the water, or in the garden keeps life both vibrant and peaceful.  She embraces living in the spectrums of existence such as in the joy of dancing to bringing hope and help to the community of sorrow in international dog rescue.



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Existential Analysis and

Logotherapy in the UK


Dr Längle is the founder of Existential Analysis. He organises and is responsible for the psychotherapeutic training programme in EA. In the UK, he is assisted by Julia Morozova and Aleksandra Kupavskaya. Both are trained psychotherapists and support Dr Längle in the running of Existential Analysis in the UK.

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